This blog post is the first in what I am sure is going to be a long series, over a period of time. MSM stands for Main Stream Media.
I will present both the good and bad discussions I keep having on twitter with journos from the MSM.
To repeated questions that I have been posing on twitter to the CEO of NDTV networks, Mr. Vikram Chandra, this is what he replies to me yesterday.
@ssudhirkumar what gives you the idea that I owe you any explanation for anything?? You don't like the site, don't log on! Bye!
I ask him back,
@vikramchandra you mean to say you are not answerable to your viewers? Why the unrest? I have been asking you legit questions only right?
As expected he chose not to answer; however he had a discussion with fellow netizen, Y.V.S.Ajay for a similar question. Following is the converstaion:
yvsajay @vikramchandra of course u r accountable for something u do. not the answer people expect from you sir
vikramchanda @yvsajay it's not an answer to everyone! Just to him.
yvsajay @vikramchandra ...just to him? him == any citizen of india who questions? and why did you take it as an offense
vikramchandra @yvsajay long story
The long story is simple :) I have been asking him just 2 questions from a long time:
Good Morning @BDUTT @vikramchandra Any update on the followup of "Modi Godman Sex Scandal" headline on NDTV site on the evening of March 4?
Hi @vikramchandra could you please let me know why it took NDTV 8-10 days to report the tensions in Bareilly ?
and asked him this yesterday (March 17th, 2010), which provoked that response :)
@vikramchandra can you please explain how "Rahul, Priyanka attend wedding in Thrissur" constitutes big picture on your website?
And when another fellow netizen @centerofright asked him @vikramchandra is there any customer feedback cell, where we can send our complaints, we thought we hv direct access to CEO
Vikram replies back saying: by the way I am NOT the CEO of the NDTV news business! NDTV Networks handles non-news business!
So essentially, in what could have been handled in a much more dignified manner that what happened above, Vikram Chandra first exhibits intolerance in responding to the legitimate questions of a viewer, then tells another netizen, that I am a special case because of a "long story", and finally says that he is not the CEO of the news business.
He could have given this answer anytime in the past 2 weeks, and in a much more dignified tone - the same tone with which he expects a viewer like me to converse with him. Why the intolerance? I leave it to your judgement!
good one. keep enlightening (bringing them to book) the MSM idiots
Nice one dude! two days back saw similar tamasha on IBN7. They had declared that Batala encounter was fake. Where they were essentially claiming that police man died in the fake encounter he was doing :-) How far they will go to protect ...
May be we should have alternate internet media
Thanks Gajendra and Ansumali. We should continue to bring things to their notice. They have to realise that we (as in viewers) cannot be taken for granted.
- Sudhir
awesome bhai... it is tit for tat.. :P they people still think that they can rule over the masse by their farce propaganda, but hey they cant we internet hindus wont allow to do it.
ask them questions. difficult questions. they should realize the internet is a minefield for them.
Kudos, but you know what, they will label you as an Internet Hindu once you start to question them!!!
Sudhir Bhaiya do you keep the screen shots of those tweets? if not pls do from now on.
Thanks for the comments all :)
Raj - yep, saved a screenshot :)
- Sudhir
great info to everyone :) keep enlightening
good,i was following this tweet history with you and i also was sometime asking u when will you stop asking them,but ya it is good to see ,you brought it into the blog
Please keep doing this. I like the series of "Tryst with MSM" and "That's All, Your Honour!".
take my hats off to you...these sparks that you ignite will soon take the form of a wildfire and engulf the scum that populates politics and media.
then we will all breathe a cleaner air in a rejuvenated India. till then we will fight. God Bless.
Sudhirji, as usual you have been at your legitimate best in probing answers for those few questions and as usual and not surprisingly, NDTV and its divine executives have reacted with disdain and affliction forgoing their moral and ethical duty towards society, citizens and the nation in general. Fundamentally MSM has become politically owned bigots.
Nevertheless, you please do continue your fray with them. There is a whole lot of netizens sharing your very views.
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